Life Insurance Blog

Dad to Sons, Iron Sharpens Iron

June 1st, 2017

I recently came across a book that is very meaningful to me for a couple of reasons. First, Jerry Bundren has been a friend for many years.  We went to high school together and he actually tutored me in my math classes. I was Best Man in his wedding. Jerry went to college and then […]

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Camping As A Way Of Life

May 11th, 2017

We grew up camping. I remember summer evenings, holidays, church retreats, and youth group gatherings on my family’s property out in East Texas. We would shoot fireworks on the 4th of July, play paintball with the youth group, cook over the open stove and play hide and seek in the graveyard. We would have family […]

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More than Just a Financial Plan – Living like a minimalist

May 4th, 2017

This could be described as way of life or life style that can impact most facets of our lives including our financial plan. My bend is financial services and life insurance planning, so I think in terms of budgets, saving and investing as it relates to frugal living. Minimalism is a life style choice that encourages […]

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Benefits of Universal Life Insurance

April 27th, 2017

Universal Life was originally designed for flexibility and to compete with the “Buy Term and Invest the Difference” concept.  Southwestern Life in Dallas, Texas, had fancy marketing pieces that illustrated how a policyholder could utilize the flexible design of these plans. Nice graphs would show how a young family man or woman could buy a […]

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Stay and Play: Balancing Life, Work, and Family

April 20th, 2017

Stay and Play: Balancing Life, Work, and Family I am employed at a university with a fairly structured work schedule: a 9-5 job. My wife is a full-time graduate student, which amounts to basically a full-time job with zero pay. I also have a 20-month-old daughter, someone I love to be around and only wish […]

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Why we chose life insurance

April 13th, 2017

Why we chose life insurance I’ve always been a little skeptical about purchasing life insurance. The reasons not to were convincing to me for a long time: Why spend money that I may not ever get back when I could be using it now? This is the “hedging your bets” argument. If I were to […]

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A Power Rangers Review by a Shameless, Raving Fan of the Original Series (with mild spoilers)

April 6th, 2017

A Power Rangers Review by a Shameless, Raving Fan of the Original Series (with mild spoilers) Overall: I really liked this movie. I was surprised, but the “dark and gritty reboot” spin didn’t mess it up for me. It was fun, funny, nostalgic, and its own thing at the same time. The whole “power of […]

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Tracking The Affordable Care Act?

February 16th, 2017

I received a Newswire from the National Association of Health Underwriters ( NAHU ). For those that are tracking the Affordable Care Act and the impact that it has on all of us may find this blurb and article to be interesting. You may recall that it was a given that without the mandate for […]

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Want Better Life Insurance Rates ?

February 2nd, 2017

Many things effect life insurance rates. One factor can be high blood pressure. Want to live longer? Want to have lower life insurance rates? Consider the Dash Diet. You’ve never heard of the DASH Diet? DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. We know exercise, diet and medication can impact blood pressure. Controlled high […]

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January 26th, 2017

The National Association of Insurance & Financial Advisors ( NAIFA ) Smart Brief reported that a major reason consumers are shying away from purchasing life insurance is due to complexity in the application process. I do understand that this society is all about point and click then on to the next flash of information or on to the […]

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January 21st, 2017

January 1, 1997, we started Reynold Jones Insurance Group. It is hard to believe that 20 years have come and gone! We started with just a handful of carriers in 1997 and now represent over 20 life insurance and annuity companies as we are involved in selling term life insurance, guaranteed universal life insurance, whole […]

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Americans retiring despite financial squeeze

December 8th, 2016

Did you know that delaying the age at which you receive your Social Security benefits could give you a nice increase in benefits rather than receiving 100 % of your Social Security Benefits at age 66? Yes, if you waited until age 68 you can multiply your Full Retirement Benefit by 116%.  If you waited […]

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