Let’s Get Organized: Closet Organization

Closet Organization

We live in a country of plenty where we often have way more clothes in our closets and dressers than we will probably ever wear. If you are anything like me, you probably have your favorite items and stick to wearing them.  Then you have a whole slew of items that you like but you don’t know what to wear them with. Finally you have those items you might wear once as a statement piece but actually you know you will probably never wear them again. One way to simplify your life is to go through your closets and pare down until you have just what you want and know you will wear. When doing this, you have to be totally honest with yourself, which may take some practice. You also have to give yourself permission to give away the clothes you don’t wear.

Here are some questions that could be helpful. Ask yourself: When was the last time I wore this particular pair of shoes? Do I feel comfortable when I wear this dress? Do I feel like myself when I wear this shirt or these pants? If you answered negative, or more than a year, to these questions, consider donating. If you are not quite ready to get rid of some things, go ahead and pull it out of your closet but put it aside in a bag for a couple weeks. If you decide you want it after all, go ahead and grab it out of the bag. If you can’t even remember what you put in there, donate the bag after a designated period of time. Life will feel fresh and simpler. What are your tips for organizing your closet??