Life Insurance Blog

Upside Opportunity without Downside Risk !

March 20th, 2020

Recent headlines are creating a lot of uncertainty in the financial markets. At times like this we all consider alternatives to the Stock Market and Mutual Funds. Are you familiar with the favorable attributes of Indexed Annuities and Indexed Life Insurance products? Markets go through many different cycles and present periods of significant volatility.  With […]

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What to do after receiving a life insurance death benefit

May 9th, 2024

When you are listed as a beneficiary on a life insurance policy, the policyowner likely wanted to help alleviate some of the financial worry that could come with their passing. From covering final expenses to providing money for future bills, life insurance proceeds can offer a safety net when it’s needed most. If you are […]

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Business planning with life insurance

January 25th, 2024

Along with protecting your family’s financial future, life insurance can also be used as a tool to help ensure the continuation of a business. If a key employee were to die unexpectedly, the financial loss could potentially be devastating for the other partner(s). Life insurance can provide funds to a business owner’s spouse and heirs, […]

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Choosing a life insurance policy at any age

November 16th, 2023

Throughout your life, your financial needs are likely to change. Because of this, your financial plan should evolve to help ensure you have what you need to meet your goals. Life insurance can be an essential addition to your overall strategy, no matter your age or stage in life. Even if you do not currently […]

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Term life insurance coverage at every stage of life

November 9th, 2023

Throughout your life, you will likely celebrate many milestones, from graduating college and starting a new job to getting married or buying your first home. Each momentous occasion can bring new financial responsibilities, but how would your family handle those obligations if you passed away unexpectedly? To help protect your loved ones and ensure they […]

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Busting 5 myths about life insurance underwriting

August 17th, 2023

Once you submit a life insurance application, the insurance company will begin underwriting. To determine if you’re eligible for coverage, your risk profile, and your premium amount, underwriters will look at various factors, including age, gender, lifestyle, and health history. For example, if you’re a smoker, you may pay higher rates for coverage than if […]

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Is life insurance available to a non-citizen?

May 11th, 2023

Life insurance can help safeguard your loved ones’ future and financially protect them from the unexpected, allowing them to cover final expenses, keep up with daily living costs, and save for the future. If you’ve recently moved to the U.S. for a permanent stay and are wondering if you’re able to purchase life insurance, there are […]

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New job checklist: organizing your finances after a career change

April 20th, 2023

Starting on a new career path can be a thrilling and busy time full of new routines, expectations, and responsibilities. Whether you’re stepping into a different role or changing your profession completely, there are likely financial changes to be prepared for to ensure a smooth transition. With new company benefits, compensation, and insurance coverage to […]

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So What Happens to Your Life Insurance After You Die?

March 30th, 2023

Getting life insurance is a no-brainer, as it can provide your family and loved ones with crucial financial protection if you pass away. But how exactly does it work? And by that, we mean how does it “kick in” and provide the benefits once you die? Let’s explore this question and more. First steps First, it’s worth […]

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Why buy life insurance in your 40’s

January 12th, 2023

There was a time, perhaps a generation or two ago, when turning 40 meant you were “no longer a spring chicken,” or “over-the-hill.” In other words, 40 was old. But in the last 30 years or so, a dramatic change has taken place. With all we’ve learned about the benefits of proper diet and exercise, […]

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Why you need to consider term life insurance in your 20s and 30s

December 15th, 2022

Life insurance? Under 30? You might be asking yourself why anyone who’s young and healthy would even need to think about life insurance. Well, as it turns out there are a lot of good reasons for people to consider getting term life insurance as early as possible. Protect your family. Now. Many people often ask […]

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How much life insurance should you have?

October 27th, 2022

Even if you’re not always here for your loved ones, life insurance can offer a way for you to continue to take care of them even after you’re gone. Deciding how much life insurance you need is unique to each person, but there are several factors that can help you estimate the amount of coverage […]

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Buying life insurance for your whole family

October 6th, 2022

Life insurance is an important part of financial planning for everyone in your family. It’s designed to help protect our loved ones when we pass away, both financially and emotionally. Although most of us tend to imagine individuals when we think about life insurance buyers, coverage can also be extended to your children and other […]

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